Serial Killer Club

[ Wednesday, May 15, 2002 ]

Illusion of Fear

Living life like an abomination
Accepting all that is
And all that will never be
Fearless to the end.....My fatal downfall
Making one cold to the world....Driven

Oblivious to what makes people be
Becoming more than i need to become
Needing to feel what i never known
Never being a real man..missing what it feels like to fear
I,m the freak....the clown...

Passionate about the macabre
Needing death to fill the void
Love to fill the void....Just to be someone
The void consumed me at a young age
Now in my mind i am totally alone

Can you show me life
Teach me to fear
What its like to live
To die??

Tired of life so i cry
Wonder why i am not fearful
Dying forever
Never becoming

Isolated by the truth,Raped by fate
Gripped by all i don't need in my life
Struck down by the heavens
In this life i don't need,Never ending again
A solitary want that i will die with..Fear begins??

Morbid and Antisocial.....gripped in pain
Outkast...The way i want to be
No one will ever understand that i am incomplete
Never to be Whole...ever
I am already dead inside...Why am i not.....complete??

Can you show me life
Teach me to fear
What it's like to live
To die??

Tired of life so i cry
Wonder why i am not fearful
Dying forever
Never becoming

WHY..... can i not feel
Needing this and nothing else
Gripped by this shit
I want to die
I want to be alone!!!!!

Enveloped by the darkness
Eradicated by the light
Redemption by fire...Burn me alive
Drowning in a life i don't want
And a felling that i all but need

Damned from birth.Laughed at by your god
Graveyards and angels...foreboding.... Unrelenting
Someone make this right ...PLEASE HELP ME
I will say my prayers and kiss the face of death
Perhaps she will help die

WishKiller [10:50 PM]

[ Tuesday, May 14, 2002 ]

Long Gone

I dreamt of you a 10,000 times
Loved you and wanted nothing more
Needing you and never knowing why
Never listening to anyone that called you a whore

Gave me what i needed and what i thought i had
Blowing off everyone for you.Kissing your ass
Handed you my world on a silver platter
You never cared..Never will...Shattered like glass

Dreams i had were all given up
Catering to your wants...Giving in
Falling deeper for you...Blinded by you
Always giving in

Someone told me you were no good for me
I told them to go away
You were my world...No one else mattered
So you won.once again..I,m just your prey

No one cared for the way i became
Just you and your wannabe friends
Taking control.using my heart
I was going to hell anyway for my sins

You slipped up and lost me
Forever i might add
Bitch please...I'm gone
Say your piece and get out of my face

Those i lost i will never have again
You fucked my life...Fucked it good
Slipping away from me...Gone...FUCK YOU!!!

Come on you don't mean that...
You can't be serious...
That's too good to be just for me
Die bitch die.....I must be delirious

Now you see all the things we couldn't be
Tearing out your heart...Cry for me
Like all the times i cried for you
Now you go from place to place....In misery

I was the best thing in your fucking life
You used me like a Toy
Getting you off and working off my ass
Now without you i found joy

I was everything you ever needed
Everything you were told you would never have again
You were it all to me...My life ..My death ..My last chance
Now you realize that....little whore ....Final sin

No i am at peace...Needing just to be
Relaxing and healing the wounds you caused
It will take the rest of my life...
More than you will ever know......I Love to be without you

WishKiller [12:22 AM]

[ Thursday, May 09, 2002 ]


Freezing....Can you hear me??
Eyes burning..Wind so cold
Needing the sun,The warmth..Anything
Shattered like brittle stone...Pieces that can not be healed
Time ebbs and flows....Stopped in time....
Put me together and stone me again

Say goodbye to me ..and never return
Take your cold hearted ways and leave
Cannibalize me....Anything.....just go
Sick of you.Never needing you again
Taking your toll..Killing my self control
Biding my time.Wasting yours....End is near

I,ll hunt you down kill you and feed you to the flies
Run Run Run..little one...last chance
If i don't get you the cold will
Freeze like me ...Need the warmth
It eludes you like the life you seek
Forever ending..Never loving.Always fighting

Run if you can,,,,If you have wings i suggest flying away
No one will help you...No one will
Wounded and weakening..Running slower still
I will eventually catch up...I may eat you alive
Scared yet??...Tears frozen to your face
Wondering aimlessly...every muscle you have almost petrified from the cold

Seeking solace...Being shunned away
Children and women laughing at your wind blackened flesh
Frost bitten and hypothermic...Crazed by your desperation to live
Limbs numb...finding it harder to move...but you keep pushing on
So cold your hair frozen....spasms ......chilled to the bone
Dying and you don't know what you just existed

This is not like your native land
Miles upon miles away
No beaches sand
Dying in a frozen tomb....locked in an icy prison

Your body becomes so lethargic you fall to your knees
Unable to move your fingers or toes
Amputation ...your future
Looking up you see the hunter
Closing your eyes one last the axe falls

WishKiller [11:39 PM]

It's Always This

Images and words fill the void
The Void of my own
Suck the life...Crave the Wasted tears
Dry the blood and Control the flow

Scars of dreams i once had
Never to be realized...NEVER
But i will not die..For it is the Only thing i love
Dealing with all the shit...Need to cash in my life

Worthless and dirty...Revoke my heart (SUICIDAL)
Spill me.Drain me,,,,Destroy me(KILL ME)
Blind but i can see(KILL MYSELF)
Need the darkness to set me free(SET ME FREE)


With all of this life....flowing over the stones
Like water...Bleeding red
Falling like rain,,,,,,,Wanting to go
Worthless life......Kill me slow....oh kill me slow

Needless in this world
Worthless in the womb
Killer in me.....
Never resurect me

Worthless and dirty...Revoke my heart (SUICIDAL)
Spill me.Drain me,,,,Destroy me(KILL ME)
Blind but i can see(KILL MYSELF)
Need the darkness to set me free(SET ME FREE)


Set adrift on this ocean of tears
Self worth dying of cancer
Went to hell and back....
I'm nothing without myself....Without you

Cashed in my life....received only pennies
Sold my soul...and was just turned away
Existing only to loathe the fact
Day dreaming of the end....a black coma

Voyage across a sea of love and reefs of hate
Slipping away....undertow....Drowning
I gave in to what i know
Living moment to moment..And never caring

I thought you were going to help me(to die)
Love me (to death)
Fail me .....(let me live)
Don't forget my last words..and these upon the stone

Here he is
As he is now
As he was
NEVER will he be again

Worthless and dirty...Revoke my heart (SUICIDAL)
Spill me.Drain me,,,,Destroy me(KILL ME)
Blind but i can see(KILL MYSELF)
Need the darkness to set me free(SET ME FREE)



I............BEG ......OF.............Y...O......U..........

WishKiller [12:12 AM]

[ Saturday, May 04, 2002 ]

Scream,Scream Again

Inside i scream,Killing the Normality
I died a thousand times
Needing time to be....
Loathing to breathe again...Nightmares suffocate me
Choking...Drifting away....Born again!!!

Ooh why oh why am i still in the light??
Beautiful darkness...don't shy away
Embrace me and never let go
Terrified by the sun and running and never to stop
Eclipse me!!

Take for granted ,the lifeless void
Please take me home...I want to meet the end
Resurrected and dying again
Ending it all for nothing
Go away

If i go to the land of night
Will i ever die again??....Please oh please
Take me away i love the pain
Again and again i will fall
Taking my own life....What is the price to die??

Look at me tell me about death
Hold my hand and take me there
I study it and wonder if its real
Unfold the knife and show me life
Instinctively Fight to live,damning myself to this earthbound hell

Never to breathe again
Loving the thought of it
Wanting to live death
Page by never fails
Wrath builds in me....Dying alone

Kill me with you silent words
Teach me to die alone
Pray for me
Though it will do nothing
Hate me so i can hate the world

Blinded by the light on iniquity
Killing my mind
Hoping the body will follow
Without death i will not live
Without life i will not die

Bonded to earthbound souls
Fighting to break free
Wanting to break these prismatic chains
Contribute to me ending life
Falling away i finally smile

WishKiller [12:33 AM]

[ Thursday, May 02, 2002 ]


Cancer took you away
Took you from me
It doesn't matter anymore
I will NEVER see you again

Take me with you on this fucked up trip
I won't bother you
Our vessel is not crowded
Please ....i want to go

Never again will i see this earth
Contact wounds and razorblades
Sub zero nightmare....froze to death
Vaccum of space and the lack of time

Why are you haunting me
Plaguing my mind
Killing my dreams and suffocating me
I didn't kill you....but now i would

Cancer.....take me too
I devour you and make you whole
I spread you like a disease
Killing me

Cancer took you away
Took you from me
It doesn't matter anymore
I will NEVER see you again

Take me with you on this fucked up trip
I won't bother you
Our vessel is not crowded
Please ....i want to go

Never again will i see this earth
Contact wounds and razorblades
Sub zero nightmare....froze to death
Vaccum of space and the lack of time

Why are you haunting me
Plaguing my mind
Killing my dreams and suffocating me
I didn't kill you....but now i would

Cancer.....take me too
I devour you and make you whole
I spread you like a disease
Killing the world

WishKiller [12:16 AM]

[ Wednesday, May 01, 2002 ]

Eyes Of Midnight

Exorcise me,My love
Your spirit deep within me
Can,t get you outta mind
My soul...Without you..i am kind

Stuck within your eyes
Trapped within your words
This wasted life,cold to the bone
Without you i'm gone

Why!!! This hell you do to me???
Go away and never return!!!!!
This gun may make you go away
Kill me To kill you....Hurt myself to please you!!!
Please look away!!

You want my pain and love the agony
Trusting you with my life...
Hold my hand and lead me away......(to hell)
This pain you give breaks me down...Only to make me stronger

Angel eyes....Midnight soul
Crown of thorns...Ivory horns
Black satin wings..Puncture wounds
Holocaust personified...Beautiful scars

Hold me tight just to asphyxiate me
My head to your chest....the heart no longer beats
Blood running cold....Immortalized
Pulse withered and died...Broken free from your mold

Why!!! This hell you do to me???
Go away and never return!!!!!
This gun may make you go away
Kill me To kill you....Hurt myself to please you!!!
Please look away!!

Time nears....Scent of jasmine and death
Beautiful and pungent...mix of scent
Mirror in front of you
Look in and see.......ME!!!!!

WishKiller [11:56 PM]

Poser.....(A Funeral For A Friend???)

Fuck you....Getting under my skin
Thinking all of this is for you
Stuck in a world of your making
Playing with your little pawns...Faking

Poser .....Why you live this way??
No one believes you...And your hard ass life
Guilt trips and lies .....You can do so much better
Greedy and Arrogant little lies

Get a grip and never confess
Love will always elude you...As you wonder why
Never wanting to deal with life
Crying and begging......Just do it!!! i'll give you the fucking knife!!!

Was friends once
Never again
Kill all you say you want..
Give in and hold you...No i won't!!

Nothing but a little wanna be
Wanting to cry....No shoulder for you
Trippin and don't know what to do
This little slap in the face is from me to you!

Never will you understand what you did
Or will you ever care
Turn your back and want to be alone..
Now you will really be alone....Fuck you

Trying to be a real friend...
Kissing all but your ass
Listening to sob stories
Boo fucking hoo...lies are never loved

In your own little world you rule
People bowing to you
Wake the fuck up!!!!
Grow up and get a fucking life!!!!!

It has to stop somewhere
Has to stop sometime
Hitting rock bottom
Only thing left to do is climb

Well that's the way it is
And the way it will stay
Think of the good times
.....The yesterday!!!!!

So long and dream well.....THANX FOR THE FUCK!!!!!
WishKiller [12:14 AM]

[ Tuesday, April 30, 2002 ]

Bone Church.....(?Religion?)

Cataclysm in earth's eye
Holocaust in the air...teeming with life
Razorblade rain falls like stone
Dying for the last time gaia crys

Why is it we kill each other...hating anyone who breathes??
Terrorising children and robbing the poor??
Believing that your(GOD)wants you to kill the nonbelievers
Holy war....What really is holy??Unholy war ...cannibalize the night

Eating the flesh Leaving the bones
Making weapons of hate
Breaking the souls
Burning for all to see

Crucified for a greedy government
Hanged and beaten
Crushed by stones
Golgotha......Your final stand

Last fatal kiss
A world bound and torn away
Welcome my children
Die for me in this place......Help me with my bone church

Jesus died and will never be again
Which direction will you go
Cry with mother earth
And kill for god

Monks who fight
Priests who rape
Brother forgive me
Father i am coming home

Keep me alive long as you wish
I will never bow to the
Fear god??No!!!!
Respect the unrelenting power of the Unholy war!!!

Show me what you mean
What you need
Upon black clouds
Stop the world

Disciples of the cross
Killing in the name
Disciples of the stars
Killing themselves

Follow or lead
The choice is yours
Unknown time of arrival
And I'll see you (there)

WishKiller [11:42 PM]